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Top Echelon Network recruiters racked up another 17 split placements last week, and Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search, Inc. lead the way!

Not only was Steve part of six splits, but the fee for one of those deals was $49,500! Steve made that split with Max Shemroske of Tri-S Recruiters, Inc. The duo placed a Director of Product Development at a 25% fee.

Steve is currently in third place in the Network in terms of cash-in dollars during the past 12 months. However, with a few more weeks like this one, he might catch up to Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group and Trey Cameron of Cameron Craig Group.

As a friendly neighborhood reminder, here is the information that we publish with our weekly placements:

  • Names of the split recruiting partners involved (with their profile photos, when available)
  • Job title
  • Overall placement fee (before TE’s 6% brokerage fee, of course)
  • Fee percentage

Please note that the placements listed below reflect deals finalized in Top Echelon Network for the week of August 8 through August 14, 2022

Remember, if you don’t want information related to your Network placements published in The Pinnacle, please send an email to to that effect.

Congratulations to everybody below for the split placements they made in Top Echelon Network!

This Week’s Top Echelon Split Placements

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Eric Berg of JN Adams and Associates, Inc.

Eric Berg

Ernest Kidd of Accelerated Search Partners, Inc.

Ernest Kidd

Job recruiter: Ernest Kidd of Accelerated Search Partners, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Eric Berg of JN Adams & Associates, Inc.


Overall placement fee: $27,600

Fee percentage: 20%

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Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

Robert Litton of the Litton Resource Group

Robert Litton

Job recruiter: Robert Litton of Litton Resource Group

Candidate recruiter: Trey Cameron of Cameron Craig Group


Overall placement fee: $13,700

Fee percentage: 20%

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Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

Keith Cornelison of Personnel Resources

Keith Cornelison

Job recruiter: Keith Cornelison of Personnel Resources

Candidate recruiter: Trey Cameron of Cameron Craig Group


Overall placement fee: $18,095

Fee percentage: 18%

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Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

Ron Sunshine of Ron Sunshine Associates, LLC

Ron Sunshine

Job recruiter: Ron Sunshine of Ron Sunshine Associates, LLC

Candidate recruiter: Trey Cameron of Cameron Craig Group


Overall placement fee: $17,500

Fee percentage: 25%

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Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

David J. Sgro of True North Consultants, Inc.

David J. Sgro

Job recruiter: David J. Sgro of True North Consultants, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Trey Cameron of Cameron Craig Group


Overall placement fee: $17,250

Fee percentage: 25%

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Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search, Inc.

Steve Kohn

Joe Cresci of Food Management Search

Joe Cresci

Job recruiter: Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Joe Cresci of Food Management Search


Overall placement fee: $24,375

Fee percentage: 25%

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David Cuozzo of CrowdSourced Recruiting

David Cuozzo

Michael Agen of New Solutions Group, LLC

Michael Agen

Job recruiter: Michael Agen of New Solutions Group, LLC

Candidate recruiter: David Cuozzo of CrowdSourced Recruiting


Overall placement fee: $12,600

Fee percentage: 20%

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Larry Gallin of Gallin Associates

Larry Gallin

Antoinette (Toni) Nucci of Toni Group, LLC

Antoinette (Toni) Nucci

Job recruiter: Antoinette (Toni) Nucci of Toni Group, LLC

Candidate recruiter: Larry Gallin of Gallin Associates


Overall placement fee: $7,020

Fee percentage: 12%

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Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search, Inc.

Steve Kohn

Mike Loftus of Beacon Professional Search

Mike Loftus

Job recruiter: Mike Loftus of Beacon Professional Search

Candidate recruiter: Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search, Inc.


Overall placement fee: $14,000

Fee percentage: 20%

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Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search, Inc.

Steve Kohn

Kerry Boehner of KOB Solutions, Inc.

Kerry Boehner

Job recruiter: Kerry Boehner of KOB Solutions, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search, Inc.


Overall placement fee: $12,500

Fee percentage: 25%

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Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search, Inc.

Steve Kohn

Scott Krepps of the Hiring Solutions Group

Scott Krepps

Job recruiter: Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Scott Krepps of Hiring Solutions Group


Overall placement fee: $38,750

Fee percentage: 25%

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Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search, Inc.

Steve Kohn

Danielle Miller of 2Morrow Executive Staffing

Danielle Miller

Job recruiter: Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Danielle Miller of 2Morrow Executive Staffing


Overall placement fee: $14,575

Fee percentage: Flat

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Terry Rhodes of NewCareers

Terry Rhodes

Amber Schleinkofer of KB Search Team, LLC

Amber Schleinkofer

Job recruiter: Amber Schleinkofer of KB Search Team, LLC

Candidate recruiter: Terry Rhodes of NewCareers


Overall placement fee: $23,750

Fee percentage: 25%

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Gary Schultz of Work 22, Inc.

Gary Schultz

Erika Staszewski of Integritas Search

Erika Staszewski

Job recruiter: Erika Staszewski of Integritas Search

Candidate recruiter: Gary Schultz of Work 22, Inc.


Overall placement fee: $20,000

Fee percentage: 25%

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Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search, Inc.

Steve Kohn

Max Shemroske of Tri-S Recruiters, Inc.

Max Shemroske

Job recruiter: Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Max Shemroske of Tri-S Recruiters, Inc.


Overall placement fee: $49,500

Fee percentage: 25%

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Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group

Michael Stuck

Steve Brody of Executive Resource Systems

Steve Brody

Job recruiter: Steve Brody of Steve Brody

Candidate recruiter: Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group


Overall placement fee: $28,000

Fee percentage: 25%

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Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group

Michael Stuck


Kym Springer of Team Builders Recruiting and Consulting

Kym Springer

Job recruiter: Kym Springer of Team Builders Recruiting and Consulting

Candidate recruiter: Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group


Overall placement fee: $19,000

Fee percentage: 20%

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If you’re a newer Network member and you’d like to enjoy more success in our recruiter network, then I encourage you to contact Top Echelon Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS.

You can do so by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to

Top Echelon offers a free monthly webinar as part of its Expert Recruiter Coaching Series.

These webinars touch upon a variety of recruiter-related topics. These topics deal with both job candidates and clients. As always, our goal with these webinars is to help professional recruiters and executive search consultants just like YOU make more placements.

Gary Stauble

We record these webinars for those recruiters who can’t attend the live presentation, and we’re now pleased to offer the video from our most recent webinar by Gary Stauble of The Recruiting Lab.

The title of that webinar (and corresponding training video) is “The Emergency Deal-Closing Checklist”

Below is the official description for this training video:

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When you’re at the final stage of the hiring process, but your candidate is being indecisive, it’s vital that you have a clear plan of action. During the next webinar video in Top Echelon’s Expert Recruiter Coaching Series, Gary Stauble of The Recruiting Lab will give viewers a roadmap for how to navigate this critical stage of the process. In addition to the content, Gary will provide a checklist that you can copy and use immediately.

During this information-packed training video, you’ll learn:

  • The strongest position you can take in a negotiation
  • Three (3) vital pre-closes for a smooth offer/acceptance
  • How to use “pull selling”
  • Your “ace in the hole” to get them to a decision
  • How to get permission to accept on their behalf
  • Your biggest piece of leverage for getting to “Yes”
  • Seven (7) “nuclear questions” for uncovering the truth
  • Five (5) strategies for pushing a deal “over the hump”
  • And much more!

When closing candidates is as difficult as it’s ever been, this is one training video that you must see. So watch this FREE video and discover “The Emergency Deal-Closing Checklist”!

Watch this FREE training video!

Recorded versions of our Expert Recruiter Coaching Series webinars are posted on our website as free online recruitment training courses in the Top Echelon Recruiter Training Library.

Keep an eye out for the next free webinar in our Expert Recruiter Coaching Series!

You may have read our case study in last week’s issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog about the value of attending networking events like the upcoming Top Echelon Fall Conference.

In that case study, David M. Sgro of True North Consultants, Inc. complimented Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group regarding a recent split placement they made together. Their attendance at the Top Echelon Connect 2022 convention, held in Las Vegas earlier this year, was the catalyst for their placement.

However, Top Echelon Network recruiters have a long and rich history of complimenting one another for the split placements they make. We’ve run their comments and compliments in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog in the past.

Keep in mind that the compliments we publish in The Pinnacle are not ALL of the compliments that we receive at the Top Echelon offices. There simply isn’t enough room for all of them. However, we publish as many as we can, because they show the value that the Network offers to recruiters and how much they enjoy experiencing that value.

In fact, there are three main reasons why TE recruiters love to compliment each other:

#1—To celebrate a completed placement

When you enjoy success, you should celebrate that success, and that’s absolutely true with split placements. It takes a concerted effort consisting of teamwork, patience, and persistence to get the job done. After all, these are placements that more than likely would NOT have been made without the participation of both recruiters.

#2—To recognize a job well done

Making a split placement is just half the story; making it well is the other half. When trading partners go “above and beyond” to help close a deal, TE recruiters feel compelled to recognize their partners’ efforts. It’s a celebration of not only success, but also a celebration of the performance that led to that success.

#3—To nurture a trading partner relationship

Obviously, the recruiter who is complimenting their trading partner would like to make more split placements with that partner in the future.

Complimenting them on a public forum and recognizing their performance is a way to let their trading partner know that their efforts are appreciated. People who know that their efforts are appreciated by somebody are more likely to want to work with that somebody again.

If you’ve made a split placement with another Network recruiter and you’d like to compliment them for their efforts, simply include your remarks with the Completed Placement form when you submit it. You can also send an email to

Top Echelon Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS is in charge of helping TE recruiters reach their full potential within the Network.

You can reach him by calling 330.595.1742 or by sending an email to

Top Echelon Customer Success Manager J.D. Fye recently conducted a special Training Tuesday webinar titled, ‘Advertise to Your Website with the NEW Careers Page”!

J.D. Fye

You may have attended this free webinar on Tuesday, August 2. On the other hand, you may not have been in attendance.

Regardless, we have the recorded version of the webinar, which I am presenting to you now. (The recording is also located in the Top Echelon Help Center.)

If you are not a user of our recruiting software, then check out the video, anyway, to see how the software could benefit your recruiting desk and agency.

We at Top Echelon are continually working to make the resources that we provide to our customers better, and this is yet more proof!

Below is the official description of this training video:

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There are droves of options when it comes to getting exposure for your open positions, but don’t overlook the easy choice: posting to your own company’s website!

For years, we at Top Echelon have included a Job Board option to users of our ATS for just that purpose, but we have a new and improved version called the Careers Page now available that we’d like to share with you. Join Customer Success Manager J.D. Fye for the next Top Echelon Training Tuesday webinar video, as he covers:

  • How to set up the Careers Page that comes with your ATS account
  • Posting options related to the Careers Page service
  • Receiving applicants from the postings on your site
  • How to switch from the legacy Job Board to the new Careers Page
  • And much more!

The market is still hot for hiring and the Great Resignation is still raging, so watch this Training Tuesday video and learn how to “Advertise to Your Company’s Website with the NEW Careers Page”!

Watch this Help Center training video!

Remember to check The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog every week for more updates regarding Top Echelon software improvements and upgrades.

If you have any questions about how you can maximize your Top Echelon split network membership, please contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS.

You can do so by calling 330.595.1742 or by sending an email to