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Trey Cameron of Cameron Craig Group is making a race of it. However, Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group is still firmly in the lead in terms of the #1 Top Producer in the Network.

That’s because, although Trey made three split placements this past week, Michael finalized six TE splits. “But it’s only August,” you might be saying to yourself. “There’s plenty of time for Trey to catch up.”

True, but Michael also shows no signs of slowing down. So let’s hope for a dramatic and frenzied scramble to the finish, with excitement and split placements aplenty!

As a friendly neighborhood reminder, here is the information that we publish with our weekly placements:

  • Names of the split recruiting partners involved (with their profile photos, when available)
  • Job title
  • Overall placement fee (before TE’s 6% brokerage fee, of course)
  • Fee percentage

Please note that the placements listed below reflect deals finalized in Top Echelon Network for the week of Monday, July 25, through Sunday, July 31.

Remember, if you don’t want information related to your Network placements published in The Pinnacle, please send an email to to that effect.

Congratulations to everybody below for the split placements they made in Top Echelon Network!

This Week’s Top Echelon Split Placements

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Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

Edward Duff of RCD Group

Edward Duff

Job recruiter: Edward Duff of RCD Group

Candidate recruiter: Trey Cameron of Cameron Craig Group


Overall placement fee: $17,500

Fee percentage: 20%

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Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

Nancy Hastings of The Hastings Group

Nancy Hastings

Job recruiter: Nancy Hastings of The Hastings Group

Candidate recruiter: Trey Cameron of Cameron Craig Group


Overall placement fee: $24,000

Fee percentage: 25%

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Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

Rich Grunenwald of Advisory and Consulting Services, LLC

Rich Grunenwald

Job recruiter: Rich Grunenwald of Advisory and Consulting Services, LLC

Candidate recruiter: Trey Cameron of Cameron Craig Group


Overall placement fee: $34,250

Fee percentage: 25%

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David Cuozzo of CrowdSourced Recruiting

David Cuozzo

Michael Agen of New Solutions Group, LLC

Michael Agen

Job recruiter: Michael Agen of New Solutions Group, LLC

Candidate recruiter: David Cuozzo of CrowdSourced Recruiting


Overall placement fee: $14,900

Fee percentage: 20%

— — —

Deb North of Deb North Consulting, LLC

Deb North

David Evans

Job recruiter: David Evans of Perfect Fit Placement 

Candidate recruiter: Deb North of Deb North


Overall placement fee: $22,500

Fee percentage: 22.5%

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Terry Rhodes of NewCareers

Terry Rhodes

Neily Horan of KB Search Team, LLC

Neily Horan

Job recruiter: Neily Horan of Horan Hiring Solutions, LLC

Candidate recruiter: Terry Rhodes of NewCareers


Overall placement fee: $14,341

Fee percentage: 25%

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John Ricciardi of the Afton Consulting Group

John Ricciardi

Sharon McCord of McCord Executive Search

Sharon McCord

Job recruiter: Sharon McCord of McCord Executive Search

Candidate recruiter: John Ricciardi of Afton Consulting Group


Overall placement fee: $20,000

Fee percentage: 20%

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John Ricciardi of the Afton Consulting Group

John Ricciardi

Connie Dorigan of Dorigan & Associates

Connie Dorigan

Job recruiter: Connie Dorigan of Dorigan & Associates

Candidate recruiter: John Ricciardi of Afton Consulting Group


Overall placement fee: $16,000

Fee percentage: 25%

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Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group

Michael Stuck

Michael Agen of New Solutions Group, LLC

Michael Agen

Job recruiter: Michael Agen of New Solutions Group, LLC

Candidate recruiter: Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group


Overall placement fee: $21,000

Fee percentage: 20%

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Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group

Michael Stuck

Robert Litton of the Litton Resource Group

Robert Litton

Job recruiter: Robert Litton of Litton Resource Group

Candidate recruiter: Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group


Overall placement fee: $17,888

Fee percentage: 20%

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Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group

Michael Stuck

Siena Buccigrossi of Surf Search

Siena Buccigrossi

Job recruiter: Siena Buccigrossi of Surf Search

Candidate recruiter: Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group


Overall placement fee: $18,000

Fee percentage: 20%

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Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group

Michael Stuck

Larry Radzely of Adel-Lawrence Associates, Inc.

Larry Radzely

Job recruiter: Larry Radzely of Larry Radzely

Candidate recruiter: Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group


Overall placement fee: $14,800

Fee percentage: 20%

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Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group

Michael Stuck

Sharon McCord of McCord Executive Search

Sharon McCord

Job recruiter: Sharon McCord of McCord Executive Search

Candidate recruiter: Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group


Overall placement fee: $15,300

Fee percentage: 18%

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Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group

Michael Stuck

Sheri Welsh, CPC/CERS of Welsh & Associates, Inc.

Sheri Welsh, CPC/CERS

Job recruiter: Sheri Welsh of Welsh & Associates, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group


Overall placement fee: $20,000

Fee percentage: 25%

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James Sullivan of Ethical Search Professionals, Ltd.

James Sullivan

Holly Weber of Global Talent Resources Corp.

Holly Weber

Job recruiter: Holly Weber of Global Talent Resources Corp.

Candidate recruiter: James Sullivan of Galaxy Management Group, Inc.


Overall placement fee: $22,125

Fee percentage: 25%

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Gary Thompson of Retail Options Executive Search

Gary Thompson

Bruce Widnes of The Recruiting Group, Inc.

Bruce Widnes

Job recruiter: Bruce Widnes of The Recruiting Group, Inc.

Candidate recruiter: Gary Thompson of Gary Thompson


Overall placement fee: $10,816

Fee percentage: Flat

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If you’re a newer Network member and you’d like to enjoy more success in our recruiter network, then I encourage you to contact Top Echelon Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS.

You can do so by calling 330.595.17423 or by sending an email to

Do YOU need a reason to attend Top Echelon’s Fall Conference in Chicago?

How about almost 95,000 of them?

That’s one for each of the dollars in recruiting fees that Network members Jeff Manga of 6 Degrees Search; Cindy Chen of Focus Employment; Tom Daly of Ridgeback Management; Stacy Holland of Exceptional People, Inc.; David M. Sgro of True North Consultants, Inc.; and Michael Stuck Gables Search Group earned from placements they made as a direct result of attending Top Echelon Connect 2022 in Las Vegas earlier this year!

Here’s what Dave Sgro had to say about the placement AND about attending Top Echelon events (and of course, Dave did not mince words):

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David M. Sgro of True North Consultants, Inc.

David M. Sgro

Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group

Michael Stuck

“This placement is a direct result of attending the Top Echelon Connect 2022 conference in Las Vegas. Not in any way was it indirectly a result, technologically a result, or any other result other than attending the conference. Mike and I talked quite a bit during the conference, both during session breaks and after hours over drinks and dinners, and game planned partnering up . . . We have plenty of more work to do and jobs to fill. THANK YOU, MIKE! See you at the next one!

Submitted by David M. Sgro of True North Consultants, Inc. regarding his Network split placement with Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group


Fee Percentage—25%

(Editor’s note: This is the first Network split placement that David and Michael have made together in Top Echelon.)

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Here’s the crazy part. David and Michael are long-time Network members. Each has billed more than $1 million through Top Echelon during their time in the Network. Both have made well over 100 split placements.

And this is the first split that they’ve made with each other!

And the reason it happened is because they attended Top Echelon’s networking event in Las Vegas earlier this year. And now they’ve greatly increased the chances that they’ll make multiple splits together.

Early Bird Registration for the Fall Conference is now open! The price is $485 per person, and that price will be available until Friday, September 23, when the Regular Registration period begins. As a reminder, below is logistical information regarding the event:

Dates: October 6-7, 2022 (Thursday – Friday)
Location: Sheraton O’Hare Suites in Rosemont, Illinois

Thursday and Friday will be loaded with networking and training sessions designed to sharpen your recruiting, sourcing, and partnership acumen.

We hope to see you in Chicago so that we can help you make more placements!

There’s a simple reason why you should read The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog every week:

Because we publish every important announcement and important piece of information that we want to communicate to Network members in The Pinnacle.

If it’s important, then it’s in The Pinnacle. If it affects your Network membership, then it’s in The Pinnacle. And as you probably noticed most recently, if it affects Top Echelon overall, it’s also in The Pinnacle. (I’m sure you’re probably seeing a pattern here.)

Of course, you do not have to read every article and blog post word-for-word, from beginning to end. I know that is not realistic. However, all it takes is a few minutes to scan the headlines and then skim the articles for nuggets of information. In fact, it can probably be done in less than three minutes.

You receive a Pinnacle email every week. All you have to do is click the main button in the body of the email, the one that entices you to “READ THE ENTIRE ISSUE!” Clicking that link will open up a new browser tab with all of the articles from that week’s issue.

You don’t have to click back and forth to go between the articles. However, if you scan the headlines in the email and you only see one article of interest, simply click on the link to that article. You can read that one article and forget about the rest, if you so choose.

We’ve tried to make the Pinnacle email (and The Pinnacle) as user-friendly as we can. In fact, you can even access individual Pinnacle articles in the Network Dashboard Area of the TE software. They’re located on the right-hand side of the main page.

All of that being said, we want The Pinnacle to continue doing what we always intended it to do. Basically, that’s helping members of Top Echelon Network make more split placements with one another.

Below are five ways that The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog can help you make more splits:

#1—Best practices

Top Echelon Network has been in existence for more than 34 years. During that time, set patterns have emerged.

These patterns have less to do with emerging and evolving technology and more to do with how human beings like to interact with one another. The validity of these patterns and practices has been proven time and time again, which is why we stress them so much. They work!

#2—Case studies

One of the best ways to show how well our best practices work is to show how they’ve worked on other recruiters’ desks. It’s one thing to say why you should do something, but it’s quite another to show how another person benefited from doing that very thing.

It’s the “real world application” component that lends credence and credibility to what some recruiters might consider our “theoretical” best practices. The proof, as they say, is always in the pudding. (Who else is hungry for pudding now?)

#3—Success stories

When a recruiter implements the best practices of the Network and enjoys success, they could become part of a case study. If they enjoy success over an extended period of time, then they officially become a “success story.”

Once a recruiter reaches a certain point and they understand what it takes to excel in the Network, they continue to excel, often to the point when they’re ready to retire.

#4—Statistics and trends

Top Echelon collects a wide variety of statistics throughout the year. We publish these statistics periodically to inform Network members of trends that may be developing.

As you might expect, these trends revolve mainly around how members can make more placements (both split and non-split) and how they can experience more long-term success.

#5—Product and software development news

We’re continually thinking of new ways to help Network recruiters make more placements. Those ways often result in new and/or improved product offerings.

One example is the Network Candidates sourcing tool, which allows members to tap into an additional six million resumes in the databases of other Network recruiters.

I want to thank you for reading The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog and for being a Network member. Just remember: The Pinnacle is the number-one way in which we communicate with you.

So read it! (Or scan it . . . or skim it . . . you get the idea.)

We’re continuously updating both the Top Echelon recruiting software and our split placement network software. So we’re pleased to announce the following software updates!

1. Hosted Careers Page

The new hosted Careers Page option provides you with the ability to display your public jobs in either a standard list or table format and choose or customize a color theme to match your logo and brand. In addition to applying for Jobs or submitting a resume, the Careers Page will offer candidates the option to search, filter, and set job alerts.

  • To try out the Careers Page for yourself, please contact our Support team ( If you like what you see, we can fully enable it as a replacement for the existing Job Board.

2. Relate a Job to Email Templates

Job records can now be related to Email Templates, saving time by reducing the need to repeatedly relate a position each time an email is sent regarding it. A corresponding column has been added to the Manage Templates list, as well.

3. Direct Added as a Phone Type Option

Direct has been added as an option in the Phone Type drop-down field on People and Company Datasheets to better designate those numbers that route directly to a corresponding Person or Company.

4. [BETA TESTING] Checkr

Our integration with Checkr will help you fill roles more quickly and drive more revenue. Their quick, thorough background checks make the screening and hiring process more efficient.

  • In the coming weeks, we will be looking for beta testing participants, who may receive free background checks during the beta period. If you are interested in beta testing our Checkr integration, please email us at

5. [BETA TESTING] Calendar Invites

This is the ability to send calendar invites to meeting attendees directly from the corresponding Scheduled Activity in the Top Echelon software.

  • If your agency is interested in beta testing this new feature, email us at

Remember, you can always stay informed by visiting the official Top Echelon Product Updates page. You can see current and past updates, as well as which updates and upgrades are next.

If you have questions about these updates or about any other aspect of your Top Echelon Network and/or recruiting software account, you can:

→ Send an email to

→ Visit our Help Center.