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I’ve addressed this topic previously, more than four years ago, and I feel like it is time to address it once again.

That’s because I’d like to highlight the issue of Network recruiters who are sharing jobs that fall outside of Network parameters.

These job orders are not compliant with the official Top Echelon Network Policies.

Top Echelon Policy #12: Candidate and Job Order Submissions

Below is Top Echelon Policy #12:

“Members may only distribute their own candidates and their own job orders through Top Echelon Network. Submitting resumes and job orders for distribution through Top Echelon Network for a non-Network member is prohibited.

“Job orders submitted to the Network must be for actual openings, where a client company has given an assignment to the recruiter.”

In March of 2018, we announced that only job orders for which your client has engaged you directly for a set fee and guarantee are permitted for sharing in Top Echelon Network.

Recent Issues with Policy Compliance

Recently, there have been instances in which Top Echelon Network members, not fully understanding the comprehensive nature of Policy #12, have attempted to share jobs associated with third-party vendor management systems (VMS).

I’m not going to name these VMS “middle man” entities here because you likely already know which ones I’m referring to.

To underscore the importance of adhering to Policy #12, I’m reiterating below why we maintain a strict stance against this practice.

  1. Lack of Job Order Integrity: There is no guarantee that the “middle man” service or entity has accepted the job order and written the job description with a thorough understanding of the position, the company culture, and the full scope of requirements for successful placement.
  2. Uncertain Relationships and Communication: There is no guarantee of a connection or relationship with anybody at the “middle man” service or entity. Furthermore, there is no assurance that the “middle man” service will provide proper response, feedback, or follow-up. This lack of reliable communication means that Top Echelon Network split partners may be “left in the dark” about important details and updates. Relationships and communication are two cornerstones of our recruiting network.
  3. Risk of Candidate Mismanagement: If a Top Echelon Network member submits a candidate through one of these “middle man” entities, that candidate could end up in a “black hole,” with no right of referral attached to them or accountability from the entity to fully honor that candidate submittal.
  4. Wasted Time and Resources: You joined a split network to leverage your time and resources, not to waste those precious commodities. These types of job orders add a layer of unnecessary and unwanted complexity to the Network dynamic.

Commitment to Network Effectiveness

We have put a lot of thought into this policy decision. Our goal is to help our Network members make more split placements, and we believe that excluding third-party VMS “middle man” service providers will help us achieve that goal more effectively.

If you have questions regarding this issue, please contact me. You can do so by calling 330.595.1742 or by sending an email to

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in adhering to the Top Echelon Network Policies.

Top Echelon is pleased to announce yet another integration for its applicant tracking system!

This one is with Quil, an artificial intelligence (AI) tool that transcribes and summarizes conversations, extracts relevant information, and categorizes notes.

With the integration between Top Echelon’s ATS and Quil, TE users can deliver this information directly into their database as Activities, thereby streamlining the screening process.

And now we’re doubly pleased to announce that there is a FREE upcoming webinar that will explain all of this and more!

I have listed the pertinent information regarding this webinar below . . .

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Title: “Mastering Recruitment in 2024: 3 Ways Recruiters Can Harness AI with Quil and Top Echelon Integration”

Date and Time: Tuesday, June 20, at 1 p.m., Eastern Time

Length: 40 minutes (with Q&A)



Learn how cutting-edge AI technologies are revolutionizing the recruitment landscape, streamlining processes, enhancing candidate experiences, and driving organizational success.

Key Points:

  • Automating notes for different interview types (online, in-person, VOIP) – Note-taking might feel like a drag, but it’s crucial during interviews. While you can’t skip it, you can master automation like a pro, ensuring seamless engagement with your candidates.
  • Religiously updating ATS and maintaining ATS hygiene – Discover how to streamline ATS updates while ensuring data hygiene with efficient strategies and tools.
  • The subtle art of crafting follow-up material like submittals and job descriptions – Master the art of crafting effective follow-up material, including submittals and job descriptions, with expert insights and practical tips!
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Register for this FREE webinar!

And believe it or not, you don’t have to wait until next month to find out more about Top Echelon’s integration with Quil. That’s because you can book a demo right now!

So do it . . . book a demo . . . attend the upcoming webinar . . . and squeeze every ounce of productivity and value out of AI that you possibly can.

Before we explore the three stages of a trading partner relationship, let’s address the question of what a trading partner really is.

The definition of a trading partner is a business associate in whom you have placed your compete trust and confidence. You don’t hesitate to openly share your client information with your trading partner. You know they will honor the relationship that the two of you have developed.

You and your trading partner should develop a strong mutual respect that you won’t jeopardize for any reason. You won’t waste your trading partner’s time with anything less than 100% “place-able candidates” and “workable assignments.”

Your trading partner tries hard to screen in your candidate as a viable candidate rather than arbitrarily screening out your candidate over a minor point. If you altogether “miss the mark” when responding to your trading partner’s assignment, they will call and educate you on what they’re really seeking.

That being said, there are three stages of a trading partner relationship. Those stages are listed and outlined below:

#1—Outer Circle Trading Partners

These are ALL of the recruiters in Top Echelon’s split fee recruiting network who have access to your Network candidates and job orders, and vice-versa. They are good people like you, but many operate in different markets and have their own ideas about how things should be done. Most do not know your specialty areas, and you do not know theirs.

In a normal economy and depending upon your activity level, you will probably make approximately one or two splits per year with trading partners from this large sphere of recruiters. Many times, these placements occur due to good luck, because somebody happened to be in the right place at the right time.

#2—Inner Circle Trading Partners

These are those 20 to 35 recruiters with whom you have some things in common and with whom you talk on the phone at least once a month. You understand the areas they work, but you do not have enough in common with them to be on the phone every day.

In a normal economy, you should expect to split between one and three placements per year with them. Although you try to complete splits with your Inner Circle Trading Partners, you will not necessarily be able to complete a split with them. That’s fine, since next year you might be able to do so.

#3—Core Group Trading Partners

These are the six to 10 recruiters with whom you have a great deal in common. You are constantly communicating with each other about the assignments that you’re working on.

In a good economy, you should work to complete one placement every three or four months with each recruiter in your core group. You and your trading partners recognize that you both must be willing to help each other make placements by following a “give-and-take” philosophy. Sometimes you will place their candidates, and sometimes they will place yours.

A one-sided relationship is NOT healthy for the long term. You must be willing to go out of your way to make sure that you and your core group of trading partners are regularly making split placements together.

Over time, you will find that your core group relationships are more valuable to you than most of your client relationships because of the reliability of repeat placements!

I invite you to download a copy of “Planning Your Network Success: A Guide to Growth Within Top Echelon Network.

You can contact me by calling 330.595.1742 or by sending an email to

Top Echelon Customer Success Manager Todd Bossler recently conducted a special Training Tuesday webinar titled, “Refining Your Business Development Processes.”

You may have attended this free webinar on Tuesday, May 7. On the other hand, you may not have been in attendance.

Regardless, we have the recorded version of the webinar, which I am presenting to you now. (The recording is also located in the Top Echelon Help Center.)

If you are not a user of our recruiting software, then check out the video, anyway, to see how the software could benefit your recruiting desk and agency.

We at Top Echelon are continually working to make the resources that we provide to our customers better, and this is yet more proof!

Below is the official description of this training video:

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Todd Bossler

Todd Bossler

The story that we’re hearing from most recruiting agencies so far in 2024 is that business development is a huge priority for firms, even more so than in years past. Keeping the bills paid and your business afloat relies upon a steady stream of new business from both past and new clients.

While Top Echelon’s recruiting software is an applicant tracking system at its core, did you know that many of our clients (and even our own sales team!) uses it as a CRM, as well? Let Top Echelon Customer Success Manager Todd Bossler walk you through the ins and outs of setting up a sales pipeline in the Top Echelon ATS. In this FREE webinar video, Todd covers:

  • Setting up a Hotlist to be the hub of your sales activities
  • Quickly gathering and importing potential client data
  • A typical workflow for managing your prospects
  • Utilizing automations to remove manual sales tasks
  • And much more!

Get ready to drum up more business and allow us to help you do it! Watch this training video and start “Refining Your Business Development Processes”!

Watch this Top Echelon ATS training video!

Remember to check The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog every week for more updates regarding Top Echelon software improvements and upgrades.

If you have any questions about how you can maximize your Top Echelon split network membership, please contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS.

You can do so by calling 330.595.1742 or by sending an email to

The year is certainly flying by, is it not? After all, it’s hard to believe that we’re rapidly approaching the halfway mark of 2024.

Now that we’re nearly at the end of the fifth month of the year, it can mean only one thing . . . the Memorial Day holiday!

As you might have already guessed, the Top Echelon Software offices are closed on Memorial Day. Specifically, the Top Echelon offices will be closed on Monday, May 27, in observance of the holiday.

In this case, the “Top Echelon Software offices” refers to the following:

No worries, though. Our offices will re-open at 8 a.m., EDT the following day: Tuesday, May 28.

As always, I’d like to take a moment to wish you a fun and safe Memorial Day holiday. This is a great opportunity to get together with family and friends and to travel for parties, picnics, and barbeques.

And of course, the Memorial Day holiday is always an opportunity to remember those who have served our country or who are currently serving our nation, both here and overseas.

We hope that you have a great holiday weekend!