Submitting Job Orders: Location, Location, Location!

As the Director of Network Operations for Top Echelon, it’s my job to operate the Network. But . . . what does that mean, exactly?

Well, for one thing, it means ensuring that Network members communicate in the best way possible. And when I say “best way possible,” what I mean is “in a way that leads to the making of split placements.”

That’s because that way results in more money for everybody.

In this week’s issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog, I want to address one form of that communication. It involves importers submitting job orders to the Network.

In short, there are many job orders that don’t contain enough location information. And why is this important? Allow me to illustrate using three of The Four Pillars of Top Echelon Network:

Submitting job orders: Quality

Without a location, there is a missing piece of data that can make your job order even better.

Network recruiters run alerts and searches. Without a location, your job might not show up in the results for the split recruiting partner who could have been able to fill the job with you.

If somebody does find your job in the Network and there is NO location listed, then they’ll have more legwork to do. If the location IS there, then they can start planning their attack in their database. They’ll have a better idea of where your client is and the type of sourcing strategies they must employ.

Submitting job orders: Trust

If you’re concerned about somebody knowing where or who your client is, then you’re going to have a difficult time filling the position in our recruiting network. You should feel comfortable about sharing your information to this extent with other Network members.

After all, they can help YOU and your client.

Submitting job orders: Communication

This (the location) is vital information. Communicating it will lead to a better response from Network recruiters.

If you don’t share the location, then other Network members might view you as not relaying information that’s important. As a result, that may deter them from working your job order.

Yes, by submitting job orders to the Network, you are engaging in the Fourth Pillar of Top Echelon Network, as well: Active Participation.

However, by NOT including the location information when submitting job orders, your participation will not bring you the type of results you’re seeking. By sharing this information with your job orders, you’ll increase the chances that you’ll make split placements and that you’ll make them more quickly.

If you have any questions about this blog post or about your Top Echelon Network membership in general, please contact me.

You can do so by calling 330.595.1742 or by sending an email to

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