This Recruiter Has Made 600 Network Placements!

As most of you have already guessed, it was Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group who recently made his 600th placement in Top Echelon’s recruiter network. Trey has proven himself to be a non-stop placement machine in the Network during the past several years.

Incredibly, the rate at which Trey is making TE split placements appears to be accelerating with each passing quarter. As of the writing of this blog post, his cash-in total for the past 12 months is $1.3 million. In addition, Trey continues to set records in the categories of placements made in a:

  • Single month
  • Single quarter
  • Calendar year

Money made: $4.6 million!

But, wait . . . there’s more! Trey also has the highest cash-in total in Top Echelon Network history. His total currently stands at over $4.6 million. At this point, it’s a foregone conclusion that Trey will eventually set records in TE that will never be broken.

But what other recruiters like about Trey are the candidates that he supplies through the Cameron Craig website. In fact, two of those recruiters are below.

After all, Trey may have earned $4.6 million in the Network . . . but that means other TE recruiters have made that much, as well. If you asked them, I’d guess that they’re pretty much happy about it.

Congratulations (once again) to Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group! And congratulations to his trading partners, too!

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Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

Al Daum of Alan N. Daum and Associates, Inc.

Al Daum

“Thanks, Trey! I knew this candidate, but I did not know he was looking until he applied to my job on your website!”

Submitted by Alan Daum of Alan N. Daum & Associates, Inc. regarding his Network split placement with Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group


Fee Percentage—20%

(Editor’s note: This is the third Network split placement that Daum and Cameron have made together in Top Echelon.)

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Lynda Mammel of The PRA Group, Inc.

Lynda Mammel

“You worked your magic again and found the perfect candidate again. Thanks!”

Submitted by Lynda Mammel of The PRA Group, Inc. regarding her Network split placement with Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group


Fee Percentage—22.5%

(Editor’s note: This is the third Network split placement that Mammel and Cameron have made together in Top Echelon.)

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If YOU are looking to make more placements with your Top Echelon recruiting network membership, then contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS. You can do so at 330.455.1433, x156 or at

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