Professional Recruiting Consultants: 24 Years in TE!
Professional Recruiting Consultants, Inc. is celebrating its 24th anniversary as a member firm in Top Echelon Network!
I figured we could just get that out of the way. Professional Recruiting Consultants has a rich history of success as a member firm in the Network. Of course, success in recruiting is measured in terms of placements. (Because who doesn’t like placements? The same people who don’t like babies and puppies, that’s who.)
During its time as Top Echelon agency, Professional Recruiting Consultants has made a total of 144 Network placements.
Okay, you might be saying to yourself or others right now, “Hey, success in recruiting is NOT just measured in terms of placements.” And you’d be absolutely right.
It’s also measured in terms of placement income.
Professional Recruiting Consultants has met that measurement, as well. The recruiters within the firm have billed nearly $1.2 million through the Network since 1992. That puts the firm in a select group of agencies that have achieved that milestone.
Professional Recruiting Consultants has been and is a success in every meaning of the word. As long-time members, we also know that the recruiters and other individuals who work for the firm are great people. They’ve been a blessing on both a personal and professional level.
Maybe THAT is how you ultimately measure success in this business.
(Editor’s note: Top Echelon recognizes firms celebrating five, 10, 15, and 20-year anniversaries, plus any firm celebrating an anniversary in excess of 20 years.)
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24-Year Anniversary
Professional Recruiting Consultants in Wilmington, Delaware
Staff Members: Roger Malatesta, Patti Malatesta, Judy Kaplan, Carol Calvano, and Lisa Malatesta
Agency Join Date: September 18, 1992
Placements: 144
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10-Year Anniversary
Franklin Key Associates in Tyler, Texas
Staff Members: Robert Norton, Jr., CPC/CSP
Agency Join Date: September 20, 2006
Placements: 0
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5-Year Anniversary
BOSA Search Partners in Galena, Ohio
Staff Members: Bob Molter
Agency Join Date: September 20, 2011
Placements: 0