Presenting Two More Hall of Fame Members

Last week in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog, we helped kick off “Top Echelon’s 95 Epic Days of Summer” by releasing the first three members in the inaugural class of Top Echelon Hall of Fame. Those three members were:

  1. Steve Brody of Executive Resource Systems
  2. Michael Stuck of Gables Search Group
  3. Al Daum of Alan N. Daum & Associates

You may have noticed that the photo associated with last week’s blog post included people celebrating with what looked like champagne. You may have also noticed that the photo associated with this week’s blog post includes people celebrating with what looks like wine. Does this denote anything of great import? It does not, except to underscore the celebratory nature of these blog posts and our Hall of Fame announcements.

Not only that, but we’re back with more Top Echelon HOF inductions! In, fact, we’re back with two such inductions. So without further adieu, those inductions are listed below:

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THE GOAT: There are some records that, when they’re set, you just know they’re probably never going to be broken. Tom Brady winning seven Super Bowls. Joe DiMaggio hitting safely in 56 straight games. Wilt Chamberlain scoring 100 points in an NBA game.

And Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group making 1,300 placements in Top Echelon Network.

Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group

Trey Cameron

Trey was the first recruiter in the Network to realize the power of his firm’s website, and he worked diligently to realize his site’s full potential. Trey leveraged all of the Top Echelon tools and resources at his disposal to turn the Cameron Craig website into a prolific marketing engine.

Trey used his firm’s website to gain additional exposure for his trading partners’ job orders, exposure that those recruiters would not have received otherwise. Yes, he spent copious amounts of money to drive traffic to his firm’s site in the form of job candidates, but as they say, you have to spend money to make money, and Trey did a tremendous amount of both.

Trey Cameron is an example of the talent and ingenuity of the recruiters in Top Echelon Network. Is he the Greatest of All Time (GOAT)? That is up for debate, as such discussions almost always are.

But will Trey retire as the recruiter who was part of the most split placements in the history of Top Echelon Network?

That will almost assuredly be the case.

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PILLAR OF PRODUCTIVITY: During a two-decade stint as a member of Top Echelon Network, Sean Napoles, CPC of Career Brokers, Inc. made 270 TE placements. Like many recruiters who were part of the Network at that time, Sean endured both the recession of 2001 and the Great Recession, using his Network membership to help sustain himself through the tough times.

Sean Napoles, CPC of Career Brokers, Inc.

Sean Napoles, CPC

Sean, who started in the #recruiting profession in 1991, specialized in Information Technology as a Network member. He was a staunch advocate of membership in Top Echelon Network, one of the most split-minded recruiters to ever be part of our recruiting network. Sean embodied all of The Four Pillars of Top Echelon Network during his time as a member—Quality, Communication, Trust, and Active Participation—with Quality being the Pillar about which he might have been the most passionate.

In addition, Sean was a big advocate of attending Top Echelon’s #networking events for recruiters, specifically the National Convention during the spring and the Fall Conference during the autumn months. In this way, he built and cultivated relationships that would help him to become a Top Producer in Top Echelon for multiple years and serve as an example of how to maximize membership in the Network as a search consultant.

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Be sure to check The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog–as well as Top Echelon’s official LinkedIn account–for future announcements regarding 2024 inductees into Top Echelon’s Hall of Fame!

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