Ohio Regional Core Group Meeting on November 17
As Matt Deutsch stated in a previous post in this issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog, the end of the year means many things. For recruiters, these things involve finishing this year strong and then getting ready for next year.
Recruiters accomplish this dual task in a number of different ways, but one of the ways in which Network recruiters can accomplish it is by attending a Regional Core Group meeting . . . and there’s going to be one next week!
The one of which I speak is the Ohio Regional Core Group meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, November 17, in Columbus. This regional core group has been one of the most successful core groups in the history of the Network, operating for the past several years, and I’m looking forward to another great meeting. There are already 40 recruiters registered for the event..
The details regarding this meeting are as follows:
Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Eastern Time
Location: Catering by Design
Address: 6465 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229
Phone number: 614.436.1234
Cost: $40 per person
If you’d like to attend this core group meeting, simply send an email to drea@topechelon.com, and we’ll add the cost of the event to your Top Echelon invoice.
Remember, there are three main types of core groups in Top Echelon Network:
- Traditional Core Groups—These are the ones you form yourself by building relationships with other Network recruiters.
- Regional Core Groups—Those are the ones that involve recruiters meeting face-to-face based upon geographic location (like the Ohio meeting).
- Virtual Core Groups—During these meetings, Network recruiters share hot job orders and candidates, information about the activity they’re seeing, and ideas for increased production on their desk and within their firms.
If you have questions about any of these groups (or would like to join any of these groups), please give me a call at 330.455.1433, x156.