Top Echelon Network and ATS Basic Training Schedules
We want every Network agency and Network recruiter to be as successful as they can possibly be. With that in mind, I’d like to announce our Top Echelon Network and ATS Basic Training schedules. (Or re-announce them, as the case may be.)
Network members have options in regards to when they participate in a Network Basic Training session. Specifically, they can register for this training on any Friday at 3 p.m., Eastern Time. That is, of course, unless the Friday falls on a recognized holiday.
The Network Basic Training session focuses on sharing jobs, sharing candidates, and best practices within Top Echelon Network. This session is recommended for new Network members. (Please note that non-members will be removed from the session.)
There are multiple scenarios in which attending this training session makes sense for your agency:
- If you, as the agency owner, or any of the recruiters in your agency would like a “refresher” regarding Network membership
- If you, as the agency owner, or any of the recruiters in your agency have questions about Network membership
- Or if you, as the owner, hires new recruiters for your agency and they need to be trained regarding Network membership
Top Echelon Network Success Specialist River Kale usually conducts these Network Basic Training sessions.
Click HERE to register for your Network Basic Training time slot!
And now, on to the ATS Basic Training schedule. (And when we say “ATS,” we mean the recruiting software formerly known as Big Biller.) ATS users have their choice of days, this time either Tuesday or Thursday (once again, with the exception of holidays). The time is set at 2 p.m., Eastern Time.
As you might expect, this is a training session focused on answering basic questions about features and processes within the Top Echelon recruiting software.
Top Echelon Training Manager J.D. Fye usually conducts these ATS Basic Training sessions.
Click HERE to register for your ATS Basic Training time slot!
Please note that both the Network Basic Training and ATS Basic Training sessions are typically small group sessions. So please be respectful of other users’ time and questions.
The Network Basic Training session is a great resource for helping Network members learn more about the Top Echelon software. That’s because the bottom line is this: we want to help your recruiting agency make more placements!
And when we say “make more placements,” we also mean “make more split placements.” We’ve said this on more than one occasion, but “half a loaf is better than none.” Or to put it into recruiter parlance, half a placement fee is better than no placement fee at all.
Of course, you can always reach me if you have questions regarding your Network membership. You can do so by calling 330.595.17423 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.