Listen to These Recruiters . . . They Know What They’re Talking About

Okay, we’ve been harping on attending the 2011 National Convention for quite some time now.  There’s a reason for that: attending is important.  Why?  Well, instead of answering that question ourselves, we thought we’d bring in the real experts—those recruiters who have attended events in the past and have found value in doing so.
Cindy Stephens“We look forward to attending the Convention.  We have attended almost all of the conventions and meetings, and I make sure my calendar is blocked for the TE convention and conferences each year before I book other meetings.

I know we have a lot of new recruiters in the network and it is always so much fun to meet new faces and get to know our trading partners during these fun events.  Every convention and meeting has been so much fun, but more than that, the networking with the recruiters and the TE Network and TE Contracting teams is what makes it so important for us!

The training sessions provides us an opportunity to learn new techniques, and even remind us of the standard techniques that work so well!  We learn from the trainers, but more than that, we learn how other recruiters manage their desks, their candidates, and their clients.  Sharing experiences allows us to learn, and to share our own experiences.

I have made some long lasting friendships through these meetings and continue to make new relationships!.

Cindy Stephens of Stephens International Recruting, Inc.

Betsy HarperThree great reasons to attend:

Recruiting can be a solitary business and it’s always good to be with people who know what that’s like and how you live.

If you take home ONE good idea that you implement to improve your business and grow your billings, it’s all worth it.

Being in the warm sun with a group of friendly people is a GREAT way to spend two days—no matter what you do!”

Betsy Harper of Sales and Marketing Search, Inc.


John Paolino“I am a fairly new member of TE and have only attended one other convention, the last one held in Columbus. I felt it was well worth the time and expense because it enable me to meet other members face to face and learn a great deal about recruiting and the different areas each member specializes in. After attending I felt a lot more confident and meet other members where I could be of service to them and where they could help me improve my business.”

John Paolino of Woods & Paolino Recruiting Solutions


You can attend the National Convention at the low price of just $345 per person during the Early Bird Registration period.  Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.  Login to the Members’ Area today and sign up for the convention.  We hope to see you there!

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