Introducing the Top Echelon Buddy Program

We are excited to announce the launch of the Top Echelon Buddy Program!

This new initiative is designed to help TE Network members thrive by pairing seasoned recruiters with new members, creating a supportive environment where everyone can learn, grow, and succeed together.

The Four Pillars of the Network—Quality, Communication, Trust, and Active Participation—now have a new conduit into everyone’s success. These Pillars have made this Network the best split placement community in the world for over 36 years and counting.

Below are the answers to three questions you may be asking yourself:

#1—How Does the Program Work?

Experienced TE members will be partnered with new members, offering guidance, answering questions, and sharing valuable tips for navigating Top Echelon Network.

Think of it as having a knowledgeable friend by your side as you explore the full potential of our community.

#2—Why Should I Participate in This Program?

Being part of the Buddy Program offers a unique chance to build meaningful connections, gain insights from those who have been successful, and strengthen the collaborative spirit that makes Top Echelon so special.

Whether you’re a seasoned recruiter looking to give back or a new member eager to learn, this program is a great way to enhance your experience.

#3—How Do I Start Participating?

What makes a member eligible to be a Mentoring Buddy? You must have at least three (3) finalized placements within Top Echelon.

This means that all of the placement fees (and brokerage fees) associated with your Network splits have been paid in full.

If you are interested in being a Mentoring Buddy in this new program, all you have to do is email me. My email address is

Now . . . let’s make some placements!

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