How Long Network Members Have Been Recruiters
For quite some time now, we’ve been under the impression that the average tenure of a recruiter in Top Echelon Network was 15 years. In other words, that the average length of time that a Network member has been a recruiter is 15 years.
Well, just recently we became curious as to how accurate that claim really was. So we decided to ask Network Members just how long they’ve been in the recruiting business—in the form of a poll.
The results? It appears as though the average tenure of a recruiter in Top Echelon Network might be longer than 15 years.
To find out this information, we polled the Membership by posting the question below:
How long have you been a recruiter?
The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of recruiters who selected each one:
- Less than five years — 13.1%
- Between 6 and 10 years — 9.8%
- Between 11 and 15 years — 9.0%
- Between 16 and 20 years — 31.3%
- Between 21 and 25 years — 9.0%
- Over 25 years — 27.9%
We were a little surprised to learn that close to 47% of Network members have been in the recruiting game for 20 years or more. That’s because 27.9% chose “over 25 years” as their answer and another 9% selected “between 21 and 25 years.” However, the most popular answer was yet another choice, and that was “between 16 and 20 years,” which garnered 31.3% of the overall vote.
Next was “less than five years” at 13.1%, and then “between 6 and 10 years” at 9.8%. Tied for last place were “between 11 and 15 years” and “between 21 and 25 years.” Both of those choices accounted for 9% of the responses.
Analysis and Conclusion:
Based on those statistics, it might be appropriate to conclude that the level of recruiting experience in Top Echelon Network has increased during the past several years. After all, according to the results of this poll, over 68% of Network members have been in the recruiting profession for 16 years or longer. With that in mind, it would be impossible to deduce that the average tenure of a TE member is 15 years in the profession.
In all actuality, that average now leans more toward 20 years of experience in the recruiting profession. While newer agencies and recruiters are still part of TE, Network members on average are still far more experienced than inexperienced. In the final analysis, though, this bodes well for the success of the recruiters in Top Echelon Network, especially in regards to their opportunities to make more split placements and generate more revenue for their firms.