2 More Great Top Echelon Split Placement Stories!
Last week in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog, we presented “2 Great Split Placement Stories from the TE Trenches.” Well, we’re back with more stories!
The fact of the matter is that great placement stories happen in the Network all the time. That’s because there are hundreds of split-minded recruiters in TE who trust each other enough to make great things happen.
And that’s what we want at Top Echelon. We don’t want recruiters to just make split placements with each other. We want them to make split placements in extraordinary situations and circumstances. That way, they’ll remember the splits long after they’ve spent the placement fees.
Sure, a run-of-the-mill, vanilla-flavored split placement still generates the same 6% brokerage fee that a split placement generates. However, we want our Network members to enjoy an exemplary experience when making splits in our Network.
Because when members enjoy an exemplary experience making a split placement with another recruiter, they’re more likely to make more splits with that recruiter. They look for opportunities to make splits with that recruiter.
Making split placements in extraordinary circumstances accelerates the process of building trading partner relationships. You trust the other recruiter more easily, and that trust is repaid with even more split placement revenue.
We want your great split placement stories! If you have such a story and you’d like to share it with us, you can do two things.
First, share the story on the Completed Placement forms when you submit them. Second, email the story to marketing@topechelon.com.
Third, if you’re looking to make more split placements in TE, then contact Top Echelon Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS. You can do so by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.
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“KLA has always fostered open communications about their clients, and I have enjoyed a trust level for sharing my client information. This placement was made by normal conversation with Zach Ernest about what was on my radar. He happened to be filling a position in the same space, and one of his top candidates as not excited about moving his family. So I leveraged a personal contact and the placement was made in just over a week (from submittal to acceptance)!”
Submitted by Dan Funke, CPC of Flexible Recruiting regarding his Network split placement with Zach Ernest, CPC of KLA Industries
Fee Percentage—25%
(Editor’s note: This is the third Network split placement that Funke and Ernest have made together in Top Echelon.)
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“This was my first international search with a focus on candidates living in Europe who will continue to reside in Europe. Ann provided me with several very strong candidates, with the selected candidate clearly being the unanimous choice of my client’s entire leadership team. Thanks, Ann! It is always such a pleasure partnering with you.”
Submitted by Pat McCombs of KB Search Team, LLC regarding her Network split placement with Ann Boland of the Boland Group
Fee Percentage—30%
(Editor’s note: This is the third Network split placement that McCombs and Boland have made together in Top Echelon.)