The Difficulty of Filling Your Clients’ Job Orders
It’s a candidates’ market right now. That means job orders are plentiful. However, that doesn’t mean that the job orders are easy to fill. In fact, depending upon the niche, the difficulty of filling them could be quite high.
But that’s why organizations hire recruiters in the first place, is it not? Because those organizations are experiencing difficulty finding the candidates that they want.
So in the interest of continuing to keep our finger on the pulse of the recruiting profession, we conducted another poll. As you might imagine, that poll involved a poll question in the Members’ Area. And that question was as follows:
How difficult to fill are the job orders that your clients are giving you?
The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of Network recruiters that selected each one:
- Ridiculously difficult — 14.0%
- Just plain difficult — 43.0%
- Somewhat difficult — 39.5%
- Not difficult at all — 2.6%
- Ridiculously easy — 0.9%
Filling in the job order blanks
The results of this poll were a little one-sided. That one side: difficult. To illustrate that, let’s look at the other end of the spectrum.
Only 0.9% of recruiters indicated that filling their clients’ job orders is “ridiculously easy.” Another 2.6% chose “not difficult at all” as their answer. And that’s it. Combined, that’s just 3.5% of poll participants who believe filling their clients’ job orders is easy by any stretch of the imagination.
So . . . that means 96.5% believe that filling the orders is difficult to some degree. The only question is to what degree that is.
What might be good news is that only 14% of recruiters selected “ridiculously difficult” as their answer. That leads us to the most popular choice: “Just plain difficult” at 43%. Close on the heels of that answer was “Somewhat difficult” with 39.5% of the vote.
As mentioned above, any time a hiring manager gives a job order to a recruiter, the job order is going to be difficult to fill. However, perspective is important. Is it difficult from the perspective of the hiring manager? From the perspective of the recruiter? From both?
Regardless of perspective, the degree of difficulty is a recruiter’s “bread and butter.” The more difficult the search, the greater the need for a search consultant!
If you want to experience more success in Top Echelon’s recruiting network and make more split placements, then contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS. You can do so by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.