Are You Sending Gifts to Your Trading Partners?
It’s the holiday season, so that begs this question:
Are you sending gifts to your trading partners?
It’s a pertinent question because this is the time of year that recruiters customarily send gifts to their clients, and Top Echelon advocates treating your trading partners like your clients.
There is certainly a precedent for this. There have been many precedents, in fact, including the one associated with the above photo.
Top Echelon Network recruiter Ken Lazar of Ability Professional Network, LLC sent a gift basket to MJ Recruiters, LLC. This isn’t the first time this year that Maria Hemminger and Joanna Spaun of MJ Recruiters received a gift basket.
Greta Guimond of Career Development Partners sent a gift to the firm a little over a month ago.
Photos like the one above go on our Facebook Fan Page, specifically in the “‘No Time Like the Present’ Recruiter Networking” photo album. If you haven’t browsed that album, you can do so by clicking on the link below:
Our “No Time Like the Present” Photo Album!
If you’ve made split placements in Top Echelon Network this year, you had help doing so, and that help came from your trading partners. Sometimes, all it takes is a small token or gift basket (or LARGE token or gift basket) to show your appreciation for everything they’ve done for your firm during the past year.
There’s only one month left in 2015. The New Year is nearly upon us, and you want your firm to bill at least as much next year as it did this year.
With that in mind, the question still stands:
Are you sending gifts to your trading partners?