Are Recruiters Forecasting Growth for Next Year?
Well, that was fast. The year is almost over.
And when the year is almost over, thoughts inexorably turn to . . . next year. (What did you think I was going to say?)
But thoughts of next year lead to the possibility of growth. For most recruiters, 2015 was a good year, so that begs a question—a question that we posted in the Members’Area recently:
How much growth are you forecasting for your firm next year?
The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of recruiters that selected each one:
- 25% or more — 23.0%
- Between 10 and 25% — 16.2%
- Between 1% and 10% — 14.9%
- No growth — 10.8%
- Hold on, let’s get through this year first — 35.1%
First, the good news: the majority of recruiters participating in the poll are forecasting growth for their firm in 2016.
In fact, among those doing so, 23% are forecasting growth of “25% or more.” In second place was “between 10% and 25%” at 16.2% of the vote, and “between 1% and 10%” was third with 14.9% of the votes cast.
Put all of that together, and 54.1% of the recruiters in the poll are forecasting growth of some kind for their firm next year.
Another 10.8% are forecasting “no growth,” and 35.1% said, “Hold on, let’s get through this year first.” (Well, when you think about it, you really can’t blame them for that stance on the issue.)
From these results, it’s easy to draw the conclusion that recruiters are optimistic about the future, especially the short-term future. Recruiters are a cautious bunch by nature, especially those who have been through a recession or two during their time in the profession.
Here’s another reason to be optimistic: only 10.8% of the respondents indicated that they expect no growth. While 35.1% didn’t want to commit to an answer of any kind, there’s a good chance that at least some of them believe their firm will grow in the year ahead.
So there could be a whole bunch of recruiters who are being cautious about being optimistic . . . and being cautiously optimistic has historically been the calling card of independent, third-party recruiters.