And TE’s Largest Split Fee in March is . . .
We’re not really trying to be coy about how much the largest split placement fee was in Top Echelon Network for March. That’s because the dollar amount was exactly the same as the largest split placement fee in the Network for February.
And if you already looked (or if you remembered), then you know that it was—and is—$60,000!
In March, Emily Outwaite of Med-Exec Solutions and Jacob of Horn of VivoHealthStaff split that amount (minus Top Echelon’s 6% brokerage fee, of course) by placing a Medical Director. But that wasn’t the only big fee that Network recruiters split during the month of March, as you can plainly see below!
Top Echelon determines the monthly and quarterly winners of its Network split fee recruiting awards in four distinct categories:
1.) Recruiter of the Month
2.) Largest Split Fee of the Month
3.) Recruiter of the Quarter
4.) Largest Split Fee of the Quarter
We only announce the winners of these awards in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog. We do so usually (but not always) in the issue following the conclusion of each month and/or quarter.
So congratulations to Emily and Jacob for making this placement and for earning the Largest Split Fee of the Month Award . . . and congratulations to everybody on list below for making some BIG placement fees during March!
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Largest Split Fee — March 2021
Emily Outhwaite of Med-Exec Solutions and Jacob of Horn of VivoHealthStaff
The position for this split placement was a Medical Director and the fee percentage associated with this placement was 20%.
Emily was the job order recruiter and Jacob was the candidate recruiter.
The fee for this split placement was $60,000.
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Second Place:
Alan Carty of Automationtechies.com (job order recruiter)
Joseph Ryan of Washington Research Associates, Inc. (candidate recruiter)
Position Title: Chief Mechanical Engineer
Fee percentage: 25%
Split Fee: $47,500
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Third Place:
Cynthia Simpson of J.T. Nelson & Associates, Inc. (job order recruiter)
Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search, Inc. (candidate recruiter)
Position Title: Plant Manager
Fee percentage: 25%
Split Fee: $45,000
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Fourth Place:
Joe Cresci of Food Management Search (job order recruiter)
Gary Thompson of Retail Options Executive Search (candidate recruiter)
Position Title: COO – Retail Grocery
Fee percentage: 20%
Split Fee: $37,000
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Fifth Place:
Sal Leone of CYRIS Executive Search (job order recruiter)
Ruth Tan of Unique Staffing Solutions (candidate recruiter)
Position Title: Delivery Director – Financial Services
Fee percentage: 20%
Split Fee: $33,000
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If YOU want to make more money through Top Echelon’s recruiter network, then contact Director of Network Operations Drea Codispoti, CPC/CERS.
You can reach Drea by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to drea@topechelon.com.