Career Professionals: 27 Years and 199 Placements!
We have more big anniversaries in Top Echelon Network this month. In fact, Career Professionals, Inc. is celebrating its 27th year as a member firm!
Career Professionals is one of three agencies that are celebrating anniversaries of 20 years or more. The other two have both been in the Network a total of 26 years. They are Helffrich International and Walter & Associates, Inc.
Career Professionals milestone
What’s interesting is that Career Professionals is celebrating its 27th anniversary at the same time it’s about to reach a milestone. That’s because the firm has made 199 Network placements since joining TE on June 27, 1990.
With just one more placement, the agency will become a member of the “200 Placement Club.” And it’s pretty much a foregone conclusion. The reason is Veronica Snyder, the firm president. She’s made 71 placements in Top Echelon’s recruiting network, including four split placements already in 2017. There’s no doubt she’ll make at least one more split before the end of the year to push the firm to the 200 plateau.
Meanwhile, Walter & Associates has made 183 Network placements. Firm president Jerry Walter has accounted for all of them. Not only that, but Jerry’s cash-in total is also more than $880K. So he could also be closing in on some milestones.
Of all the things about which we like to honor recruiters, longevity might be at the top of the list. That’s because along with integrity, we value loyalty. And we certainly want to reward loyalty every opportunity that we get. Congratulations to everybody celebrating an anniversary this month!
(Editor’s note: Top Echelon recognizes firms celebrating five, 10, 15, and 20-year Network anniversaries, plus any firm celebrating an anniversary in excess of 20 years.)
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27-Year Anniversary
Career Professionals, Inc. in Morristown, Tennessee
Staff Members: Veronica Snyder and Mike Sandlock
Agency Join Date: June 27, 1990
Placements: 199
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26-Year Anniversary
Helffrich International in Oldsmar, Florida
Staff Members: Mike Helffrich, CPC
Agency Join Date: June 26, 1991
Placements: 34
Walter & Associates, Inc. in Olathe, Kansas
Staff Members: Jerry Walter
Agency Join Date: June 27, 1991
Placements: 183
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15-Year Anniversary
Ohrmund Employment Group in Cedarburg, Wisconsin
Staff Members: Greg Ohrmund and Debbie McKay
Agency Join Date: June 5, 2002
Placements: 6
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10-Year Anniversary
Hidden Jobs 4 You in Gurnee, Illinois
Staff Members: Mike McDonough and Terry McDonough
Agency Join Date: June 1, 2007
Placements: 12