5 Questions with . . . Dave Wick of Career Center of Cincinnati

Dave Wick, CPC
Yes, you’re recruiters, but you’re also people—people with families, interests, hobbies, and quirks. Why keep all of that intriguing information to yourself? Well, with a little help from us, you don’t have to!
With that in mind, we’re resurrecting a feature from the past in The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog. Because after all, the more you know about somebody, the easier it is to do business with them. The first soul brave enough to play our game is Dave Wick, CPC of Career Center of Cincinnati, Inc. in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Although Dave specializes in placing Engineering professionals, we wanted to delve a little deeper with Top Echelon’s “5 Questions.” Take it away, Dave!
#1—When you’re not recruiting, what do you do for fun?
I’m an “outdoors” type of person. I coach youth baseball and basketball. (My youngest child is now 15, so I’m getting to the finish line on the coaching). I love traveling and exploring new areas . . . even working out in the yard. Put me in a boat on Sarasota Bay pursuing redfish and snook, and I’m content.
#2—For whatever reason, you have to choose a “last meal.” What do you order?
Not sure I like this question much—kind of creepy picking out a last meal—and the “whatever reason” can’t be a good reason. But I’d order a filet mignon, medium rare, wrapped in bacon, along with asparagus and garlic mashed potatoes. Oh, and a coffee shake made with Graeter’s ice cream.
#3—Which actor would play you in a movie about yourself?
Doubt you’d get him to take the part—Enemy of the State, Hoosiers, Mississippi Burning, and The French Connection were better for his career—but I’d go with my favorite actor, Gene Hackman.
#4—What is currently your favorite television show and why?
I watch very little television, and if I do, it’s inevitably either sports or maybe an old classic show. Some old favorites include The Andy Griffith Show, I Love Lucy, and Mary Tyler Moore. These shows were actually entertaining and funny, in my opinion.
#5—If you could be anybody else for a day, who would it be and why?
Johnny Bench on October 11, 1972. He hit a home run in the bottom of the ninth inning in the final game of the National League Championship Series against Pittsburgh to tie the game. Still love to listen to the Reds’ announcer at the time, Al Michaels, call that home run. (Click here to watch video of the home run on YouTube.)
Feel like you’re up to the challenge of answering Top Echelon’s “5 Questions”? (Keep in mind that while some answers might stay the same, others will change. Our goal is to never ask the same combination of questions.)
Send an email to marketing@TopEchelon.com, and we’ll email back your list of questions. Your answers will appear in a future issue of The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog. And if nobody volunteers . . . well, we’ll just pick some volunteers.