2013: the Year of Responsive Web Design

A few months ago, we announced that we were offering free website evaluations for recruiting firms.  That announcement was met with well over 200 requests for evaluations.

During those evaluations, we offered the option to recruiters of having a website with “responsive web design.”

What’s “responsive web design”?  In short, a responsive design presents a website to the visitor based upon whatever device the visitor is using.  When I say “device,” I mean personal computer, laptop, tablet device, or smartphone.

Of course, it’s the latter two—tablet device and smartphone—that “responsive web design” is the most concerned with, and that’s because the use of tablet devices and smartphones to browse the Internet has exploded in recent years.

In fact, technology website Mashable.com recently published an article proclaiming titled, “Why 2013 is the Year of Responsive Web Design.”

The fact of the matter is that more and more job seekers (including passive candidates) are looking for jobs on their smartphone.  (You don’t think they’re going to use their employer’s work computer, do you?)

Does your website have “responsive web design”?  How would getting one benefit you and your recruiting firm?  Request a free website evaluation today to find out:

Request your firm’s FREE website evaluation!

Or maybe you don’t want an evaluation.  Maybe you already know that your firm needs a new website, and one with “responsive web design,” to boot.

If that’s the case, just contact our office directly at (330) 455-1433.  We’ll get you set up with a website consultant, so that you can get started as quickly as possible.  After all, when it comes to technology, speed is your greatest ally.

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