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Earlier this year, we chronicled the milestones of Top Echelon Network members Trey Cameron of the Cameron Craig Group and Steve Kohn of Affinity Executive Search.

Trey has earned $8 million cash-in since becoming a TE recruiter, and Steve recently reached the $3 million plateau.

But what about those Network recruiters who recently passed the $1 million mark?

I’m so glad you asked!

Dan Simmons of Continental Search & Outplacement, Inc.

Since joining the Network in 1996, Dan has earned close to $1.4 million in the Network. Not only that, but he’s also made 195 TE placements during that time, meaning that he is hot on the heels of another impressive milestone. Dan’s total includes nearly $63K in contract placement fees.

Maria Hemminger of MJ Recruiters, LLC

MJ Recruiters recently celebrated its 15th anniversary in Top Echelon Network. Maria and the recruiters in her office have been a collective juggernaut during that time, as Maria has made 162 TE placements with a cash-in total of $1.2 million. Maria’s total includes nearly $18K in contract placement fees.

Jim Strickland of BioSource Recruiters

Jim, another veteran of the Network, has also been a prolific producer in Top Echelon. He’s made 157 placements totaling $1,084,156 in fees. Jim has also found the value in making contract placements, as over $90K of his total is the result of contract fees.

David M. Sgro, CPC of True North Consultants, LLC

Dave, a fixture at Top Echelon’s recruiter networking events down through the years, has also found value in making both split placements and contract placements. He’s made a total of 388 placements in TE for a total of $1,040,161. Nearly $80K of that total consists of contract fees.

Larry Ploscowe of EXEK Recruiters, Ltd.

Larry has been a direct hire placement machine since joining Top Echelon Network. Like the other recruiters on this list, he is in an elite group of members who have made at least 100 placements and billed at least $1 million through the Network. Larry eclipsed the $1 million mark earlier this year.

In addition to the recruiters above, there is a handful of members who are extremely close to reaching the $1 million mark. They include:

  • David Wood of The David Wood Company ($995,712)
  • Al Katz of First Search, Inc. ($983,900)
  • Pat McCombs, CPC of KB Search Team, LLC ($976,318)
  • Donna Carroll of Systems Personnel ($953,021)
  • Al Daum of Alan N. Daum & Associates ($933,154)

So congratulations to everybody who recently joined the $1 Million Club in Top Echelon Network, and we’re rooting for those recruiters who are close to reaching that plateau!

Top Echelon offers a free monthly webinar as part of its Recruiter Coaching Series.

These webinars touch upon a variety of recruiter-related topics. These topics deal with both candidates and clients. As always, our goal with these webinars is to help agency recruiters and executive search consultants just like YOU make more placements.

We record these webinars for those who can’t attend the live recording, and we’re now pleased to offer the video from our most recent webinar by Bob Marshall of TBMG International.

The title of that webinar (and corresponding training video) is “Script This! Scripts to Help You Master the Recruiting Process!”

Below is the official description of this training video:

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Bob Marshall of TBMG International has been in the recruiting profession for close to 40 years. There is not much, if anything, that he has not seen. And in this training video from the Top Echelon Expert Recruiter Coaching Series, Bob’s vast experience, and expertise will be at the disposal of those who watch the video.

During this special webinar session, we presented a list of the general steps in the recruiting process. Attendees then voted on which three pieces of the process about which they’d like to hear Bob’s thoughts and for which they received his scripts. Bob Marshall is famous for his expert recruiting scripts for all situations, and this is your chance to glean from his extensive knowledge and use it to close more deals and make more placements.

With the New Year just around the corner, this is a great time to arm yourself with more scripts for 2021. So watch the training video for “Script This! Scripts to Help You Master the Recruiting Process”!

Watch this FREE training video!

Recorded versions of all of our Recruiter Coaching Series webinars are posted on our website as free online recruitment training courses in the Top Echelon Recruiter Training Library.

Keep an eye out for the next free webinar in our Expert Recruiter Coaching Series!

Top Echelon Training Specialist J.D. Fye recently conducted a special Training Tuesday webinar titled, Elect to Use the New Quicklinks Option in Big Biller.”

You may have attended this free webinar on Tuesday, November 3. On the other hand, you may not have been in attendance.

Regardless, we have the recorded version of the webinar, which I am presenting to you now. (The recording is also permanently located in the Top Echelon Help Center.)

If you’re not a user of the Big Biller recruiting software, then check out the video, anyway, to see how the software could benefit your recruiting desk and agency!

We at Top Echelon are continually working to make the resources that we provide to our customers better, and this is more proof!

Below is the official description of this training video:

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During this video, Top Echelon Training Specialist J.D. Fye will address the ins and outs of the new version of Quicklinks in Big Biller. Specifically, J.D. covers:

  • What Big Biller features are required to access Quicklinks
  • What Quicklinks are and how to find them
  • Common uses for Quicklinks to speed up your communication with candidates
  • And much more!

Watch this Help Center training video!

And remember to check The Pinnacle Newsletter Blog every week for more updates regarding Top Echelon software improvements and upgrades.

If you have any questions about how you can maximize your Top Echelon split network membership, please contact Drea Codispoti.

You can do so by calling 330.455.1433, x156 or by sending an email to